Data acquisition and PLC data archiving

A powerful tool for data archiving and graphical representation and evaluation of defined measuring points. Free combination of any measurement points to create a wide variety of relationships. Extensive options enable quick analysis. The archiving size (period) depends solely on the available hard drive space. This makes legally compliant long-term archiving a reality from the point of view of data tracing.

  • The application is subject to responsive design (except for the data grid)
  • All fields are “change-sensitive” and are saved automatically (except for the data grid)
  • Up to 10 series/sensors can be freely selected for graphical evaluation
  • Sensors and their areas are freely configurable and can be linked to a circuit diagram
  • A large selection of optical features that are freely configurable and saved for the user
  • The data to be evaluated can be displayed exactly or interpolated
  • Two data modes available (Normal and Historical)
  • Data export functions to Excel, Word or PDF format possible (dragon.PDA Grid)
  • Comprehensive direct help for all fields including embedded PDF help document (User Acceptance)


dragon.PDA Chart

  • Customizable tooltips (e.g. font size, positioning, etc.)
  • Auto-refresh functionality (5, 10, 30, 60 seconds)
  • Chart zoom can be activated
  • Chart height freely selectable for multi-resolution use
  • Chart lines freely configurable (e.g. color, width, etc.)
  • Y-axes and legends can be switched on/off


  • The layout is completely customizable to customer Kooperate Design
  • The data is persisted centrally via a Windows service that communicates directly with the PLC
  • The storage interval per unit can be freely selected
  • All data block assignments are preset in the central administrative area (initial setup)
  • Comprehensive data logging evaluation options (administration)
  • User management with role assignment allows largely autonomous operation
  • All relevant parameters for data collection are defined via administrative access (via access authorization)


  • Multi-PLC Support
  • Supported PLCs (S7-300 – S7-1500)
  • Up to 10 selectable series/sensors for graphical analysis


  • Automatic backup including Oracle database and log archive management
  • Completely preconfigured systems available – dragon.PDA Appliance
  • Weekly, monthly and annual reports in PDF/DOC/RTF format

Do you have any questions?

Do not hesitate to contact us or get an overview with our flyer.